Saturday, March 24, 2007

Saturday nite fever...


Hey there, it is me again. ..ahaks...of course it is me....who do you expect??? :D, anyway let me just rewind back to you viewer some of my thoughts, my experience throughout the week...

last weekdays i ve spent my time most in the workshop of 7 habits for highly effective people. The habits found by Mr Stephen Covey, one of the researcher in US and he has listed down 7 habits based on his study on success literature in 200 years. The habits are

1. be proactive
2. begin with the end in mind
3. put first thing first
4. think win win
5. seek first to understand ... then to be understood
6. synergize
7. sharpen the saw


well, i dont think that i am authorised to speak and elobarate on these habits as i am as well still in the phase of internalising the teaching i had during the workshop..but i think these are the challenge that need to be faced by us, whom i can say the young executives. Put these habits in our daily work/personal life, tawakkal and InsyaAllah it will guide us in the better way of life.


For those who has opportunity to attend the workshop, do attend it, and Get the book as well.

Bonus quantum announced. Alhamdullilah, by 29th this month we will see most of TM staffs with smiling face. anyway, bonus is what we called rezeki from Allah Swt and should not we forget to syukur and to spend wisely. As for me, thinking of to start major investment which still i am not quite sure of which and still in the progress of overviewing all the opportunity

Now Alia is in her hometown, ..wishes for her hapiness with family and be back to KL early ok...:)

Till next issue of blogging k...thanks


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Its March ..


Lama gile tak update blog..bukan apa..malas nak update tu satu hal...lagi satu nak cari masa tuk update pun susah.....anyway here goes another rare update ...

sebenarnya aku ni baru je baik demam..well, nak kata dah baik 100% tu ..rasa belum lagi..sbb balik dr gym tadi badan aku rasa tak selesa balik....masa kat gym pun....aku kurang buat larian atas treadmill sbb mmg rasa tak best...nak pengsan pun bagi mengelakkan aku pengsan kee....aku kurang kan aktiviti di gym td....

last two weeks, aku outstation ke utara, then terus membawa ke timur....mmg best, first time jalan jauh, melintas dari barat ke timur sebelum balik ke kl. macamanapun banyak giler keje nak kene bereskan...aku ni pun tengah atur strategy macamana nak improve kpi aku,....last year kpi cukup makan....banyak giler problem last year, mmg sedey Alhamdullilah, sebab problem problem tu banyak aku belajar pasal system ni...mmg ada hikmah disebalik semua problem ni....

pasal master, aku dah jumpa Dr Kahar 3 minggu lepas...propose kat dier nak buat pasal WIMAX and 3G Comparison....mula mula aku ingatkan ada source yg kukuh utk buat sbb TM pun mmg ada team yg conduct research pasal wimax lepas goverment announce Wimax license awarded kat compeny yg aku jarang dengar nama nama diorang....terus aku rasa susah nak buat title ni..pelik aku....apsal giant company macam TM and MAXIS tak dapat license tu....dapat kat redtone lah....ape tah lagi due tu.....hhurmmm apa sebenarnya strategy MCMC ni???

31 hb march ni, ada reunion budak MMU kat konsert nasyid...kalau takder ape hal..InsyaAllah aku pegi

minggu ni ingat nak jumpa sbb keadaan kesihatan aku yg terjejas ni mmg tak sempat.....nanti la aku arrange minggu ni, weekend depan dier balik kelantan, weekend lagi satu tu pegi tioman pulak.....bercuti sakan dier ...ape dier tak fikir ke perasaan aku..ahahaha....gurau jek

TIll next blog....Wassalam