Monday, July 18, 2005

updated story....

Its morning and i am in the office since last night, workin.. and guess what, im gonna stay for the next 8 hours heh.. sebenarnya last night wasnt my shift part, but since i need to attend class yesterday morning, just then i need to switch with susu.. Lets talk about my first class in UM,

16 July 2005..
my first class in the morning with the subject, antenna n propogation. Dr Wan is my lecturer. most probably im dealing with antenna part, the transmission line, resonant or transmitter and receiver,, just like old days...and those spherical and coordinates will haunted us again...

in the afternoon..
my class on analysis and design of telecommmunication nwk, by Prof Kahar, who is also our coordinator for ms eng tele. class is ok

17 July 2005..
my introduction to telecomm. falls in the morning class. prof..forgotten his name chinese...mmg best n lawak. n dier ni mmg nampak really friendly plus banyak pengalaman. best best

in the afternoon..
pulak, is my analysis and design of tele. nwk. prof raveen is taking the class. his character is ok and easygoing. but... the i ve heard that this is the most difficult and complicated subject among all. plus....mathlab lagiiii arrghhhh aku mmg tak expert matlab ni...cuak takper...ramai kawan aku master.. try refer to depa...

ok, tu citer bab kelas...jumaat malam tu pulak, shima ada problem ngan kete dier kat federal.. call aku sbb dier kata takder sapa nak call lg..aku pulak mmg jenis tak reti bab repair kete ni, bawak ngan make up kete reti le skit skit....shima complained cakap temp kete naik mendadak, aku pun call member aku, car expert, mr Wong (nama sebenar ridwan), dier suggest bawak air banyak siap siap n isi air kat radiotor dan jalan. kalo temp naik lg kene berenti, sejukkan enjin dan isi air dan jalan....heh...mmg itulah yg dipraktikkan malam tu...Alhamdullilah berjaya gak. kalo tak mmg kene tunde laa kete tu,... mmg terbang dlm 60 ringgit jugak laa sbb nak tunda jee...kan makcik shima kan.

next blog update coming up..... tungguuu